Podcast: Sermons from UU of Somewhere

Remembering Well

In this season of All Souls Day and Dia de Los Muertos, we remember those we have lost: in our own lives, and in our congregation. Join us to reflect on death, grief, healing, and renewal.

No One Discovered America

On this weekend when some celebrate the “discovery” of America by Christopher Columbus, we tell truths about the peoples that were here for thousands of years before him and are here today, fighting for cultural survival.

From Fear to Hope

Fear and anxiety are on the rise, both in our culture and in our personal lives. And it makes sense: the world is a scary place. But the fear divides us, and isolates us. How can we face the fear, and in facing it, live with more connection and hope?

Owning Our Part of the Mess

When things get difficult, it’s easy to find someone else to blame. But on the other hand, it’s also easy to blame ourselves too much. How do we have the spiritual wisdom to recognize what’s our part of the mess—no more, no less—and take responsibility for making a change?

Waking Up to What Matters

In this age of climate injustice, systemic racism and exploitation, most of us struggle with a disconnect between what we value and how we live. How do we work within the realities of our lives to create something new? Join us to explore.

As American as Apple Pie

Oliver KirkIn this season of action and exploration, we reflect on what it means to be American in 2017. In our communities, our cities, our states and our country, we have choices about how we’ll be and who we’ll be – to one another and to the world.

Coming of Age in the 21st Century

Eight young people in our congregation have spent a year exploring Unitarian Universalism, values, faith, and action. They have created this service to reflect their experience of “Coming of Age,” our 9th-grade program, and to offer hopeful and fresh perspectives on living in these times.